
Who Am I?

Hi! I’m Sean Boerhout, and I’m a student at Westview High School. I really like to make stuff, so this blog is where I can share my creations, thoughts, or whatever else I feel like sharing.

I am the president of Westview’s Arduino Club, a club focused on allowing students to work on Arduino projects with their friends and learn with their peers.

I’m also the co-president of Catalyst for Success, a STEM volunteering club. We basically do lots of interactive science experiments with elementary and middle schoolers!

Dope Website! How’d You Make It???

I used Jekyll/Github Pages with the Ghost/Jasper2 layout. Creating this was easier than I thought and there isn’t even a need to host it locally! Here’s the blog repository in case you’re wondering.


I am an intern at ModalAI (for the second year), a company that creates robotics and drone perception systems for autonomous navigation systems. They’re work involves tons of things I want to learn about, like autonomous navigation and artificial intelligence. It’s been lots of fun working for them so far!

Last year, I built a quadrupedal robot that was under $500: You can find updates on my progress here.

I’m also working on OpenServo, a smart DC motor driver. Check my posts for updates on that!

Sean's GitHub stats

My Github